Monday, July 26, 2010

Expressionist Compost Bin Triumph!

When I built my own compost bin Cedric said it was an abomination. He said it wasn't even straight!

Well what does he know! Its design was influenced by the German Expressionist films of Weine and Wegener. How could he not see this, the idiot!!

Then he said it wouldn't work because there was nowhere to get the compost out. Well he was right there. But now I've planted courgettes in it!!

Who's laughing now, Cedric! You idiot!!


  1. GOSH, Sue! Cedric really IS a certifiable IDIOT!
    Anyone (except of course, the IDIOT Cedric...) can plainly see that your ADORABLE (yet strangely functional) compost bin is definitely of the heterosexual variety! I do think, however, that if you were to give your TRIUMPHANT COMPOST BIN a Hundertwasser make-over, it would look quite GAY...and GOSH, Sue! Don't courgettes look like baby nasturtiums?!? I trust you IMPLICITLY when you say that they are COURGETTES, however, Sue. After all, YOU aren't an IDIOT - unlike Cedric!!!

  2. I bet Cedric doesn't have a blog. The cunt.

  3. Yes Wendy Jane, trust me on this, Cedric is many things. I wouldn't use quite such intemperate language as that, Niall O'Sullivan, but you get the gist.

    As to the Hundertwasser scheme I'm not sure the garden is the appropriate place for so much Gayness. Maybe splashed up the bedroom wall or over the dining room table is, but surely flowers bring you all the Gayness you need in the garden. Still I'll mull it over and put it to Cedric. He has his uses.

  4. As Marquess of Queensberry boxing rule no. 5 states:

    "A man hanging on the ropes in a helpless state, with his toes off the ground, shall be considered down."

    If there were such a thing as full-contact composting, I would venture that Cedric should be considered fundamentally and forever 'down' and the Good Lord wither me right earlobe if he ain't.

  5. Hear, hear! Cedric is indisuputably an idiot (as all right-thinking people know) and I am not in the slightest bit "down" with him! I am guessing that, as Sue appears to be quite "with it" - she knows about all of the low high drug speak of young rapscallions, after all - that she may well understand that when I say I am not "down" with Cedric, it actually means ( in a Gangsta Rappa kind of way, or so I am led to believe...) that I do not wish to be associated in any way with the idiot Cedric! Long may your earlobes flourish, ABJ! (although I do have my very private misgivings about your particular set of initials...)

  6. That'll be the kind of 'very private' which makes a seamless and instantaneous transition onto the World Wide Web, I take it.

    These are confusing times for all of us. Things fall apart, the elastic cannot hold.

  7. Come now friends - this talk of boxing, privacy and elasticity. Kiss and make up. We don't want anything that smacks of cyber-bullying. Not at this blog!

    It's a wide-spread and pernicious activity and I will be sharing my thoughts thereon in the coming weeks. Real bullying's an altogether different matter. If anyone would like to pop round to Cedric's cottage and biff him on the hooter I would heartily applaud them! He hasn't done anything yet but there's a cockiness about him at the moment that I don't like and it's only a matter time!
