Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Have Friends in India!!

As you may have noticed I have not kept up this blog. That's because of a terrible tragedy, of which more later, including recrimination and apportioning of blame!

It left me down in the dumps for months. Nothing could console me. I was inconsolable! But isn't it always the case, that when you're at your lowest ebb one little act of kindness can change everything!

And this message from my new friends (in India!) was all it took to put a spring in my step and convince me to return to world of public affairs. I have returned to the blogglesphere and am more determined than ever to expose evil and wrongdoing in all their manifestations, particularly with regard to careless driving and amphibian abuse.

So thank you Dupont Hydro Industries for rescuing me from the slough of despond into which I had fallen, though not with any of your wonderful hydraulic lifting equipment, except perhaps figuratively!!!

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