Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Look at My Frog Now!!!

Thank God for my Indian friends. They have helped me to face life again. I hinted at a tragedy in my last post and this is it:
Look at my frog now!!!
And how, you ask, did this come about. And the answer is, I don't know for certain, but it happened shortly after someone, someone next door, bought one of these:
 For Heaven's sake!!! He was tearing up and down the lane in it like an idiot, wearing a hat like this:

What a nincompoop! What does think he's going to do in it? Pick up dolly birds?
And what's this really all about?!

It wouldn't be more clear if he wore sandwich-board with "Stand Clear, Mid-Life Crisis in Progress!!" painted on it!!

And while he's mincing about in his silly little sports car, trying to impress the widows of the parish, amphibians are dying!

What a selfish, selfish idiot you are, Cedric!!!

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